Welcome Change

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Purpose of the “Welcome Change” CD

The switch word content is recorded in the tonal frequency of 7.83 Hz, which is earth’s natural brain wave, and thus resonating with the Earth wave.

This frequency improves stress tolerance helps one to recover from physical or mental injury.

This 7.83 Hz frequency helps you feeling revitalized, as if you have spent a happy holidays in the country side.

The ‘Welcome Change’ CD will help you in the following life situations:

Change others

– To turn one from evil ways

– You want to change a person, (listen to “Praise Thanks” CD also)


– You want to keep your enemies away and to surrender to God

– You want to turn somebody’s/husband’s attention towards you

– You want to get love and kindness from others

– You want to restore a broken relationship

– You are dependent on somebody and you want to become independent


– You want to become free of debts

– To make up loss

– There is mounting expenditure

– You want to get back what is lost

Job, Career and Business

– Your contract expires and you are asked to go back to your home country

– There is lay-off in your work and you want to resume again

– Your visa or passport is not extended or delayed

– You want to be free of problems at office

– You want a transfer

– You are blocked, or prevented by others from moving forward

– You want to change your position in the office


– Problems come one after the other

– Transit easily to another phase (marriage is transition; pregnancy is transition; children’s milestones)

– You want to get back the good name

– You are asked to vacate suddenly from your rented house and you cannot do that immediately


– You need rejuvenation

– To revive consciousness

– To recover after illness

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Welcome Change

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