Psychic Ties Cut

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About Psychic Ties Cut CD - MP3:

Benefits of listening to the mantra CD (via Headphones)

This CD helps cleansing and clearing of solar plexus chakra – makes oneself assertive

Case Study:

Tie your problems and throw them away

Posted by Naran S. Balakumar

Dear Naran,

I take this opportunity to tell you my case history after listening to cutting the psychic ties CD. Since few days I am listening to the CD before going to sleep. The following changes happened to me:

– Before listening to psychic cut CD, I felt very tired and lethargic.

I went to Mysore to attend one pooja at my in-laws house. After coming back from there to Chennai, I felt tired and could not concentrate on anything. I felt a lot of negative things influencing me.

After listening to this CD, I am gaining energy and I am not feeling tired both at home and office.

– My daughter wanted to come to Chennai and asked me to take her from Mysore but my mother in-law does not want to come early. My husband was kind enough to bring my daughter and convinced his mother and we all came to Chennai last week with my daughter and MIL.

Now I made it a practice that I should regularly listen to this psychic cut CD to protect myself.

Thank you Naran! Things happen automatically after listening to our CDs. This is my personal experience. As I listen to your CDs, I do not think anything or command that this should happen and that should happen etc. It automatically happens rightly.


Ms. M

She is the one person who always blames others. That’s why when she cuts the ties, she feels energized. In a way, all of us blame others most of the time, without realizing that we are responsible for our own actions.


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Psychic Ties Cut

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